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5 Holiday Gift Giving Ideas - Climber Edition

December 13, 2021

So, what are our top recommendations for holiday gift giving without breaking the bank? And what will your friends really use? Because while maybe the climbing hold coffee mug is super cute, you know they're actually drinking out of their Hydro Flask, already on the road to the gym or boulders.

Here are our Top 5, Guaranteed to please/will actually use, Gifts for Climbers:  

1.) Chalk blocks, loose chalk or liquid chalk.  This is a great option for the friend that is always schmoozing chalk from you because somehow, their bag is always empty.  #subtlehints #useyourowndangchalk.

2.) Guide Books.  This is one of the pricier investments that it is always difficult for climbers to commit to when there are resources like Mountain Project out there... but the level of detail that a guide book provides cannot compete with the app.  A guide book that includes their favorite crag , or closes out a series is sure to please!

3.) Gas Gift Cards.  I don't think that anyone will ever turn down a "free" trip out to the boulders (Then you can mooch a ride when they drive).

4.)  Hand Care.  This is great for the friend that is always touting the flapper.  Hand care items can include tape, balms, lotions, etc.  Having an extra balm in the gym bag/climbing bag/next to the bed is always a plus!  Pedicure files are also great for maintaining, and can be picked up cheap.

5.)  A Pre-Paid Membership/Lesson/or Session.  Hook a homie up with a prepaid month or a couple daypasses to BaseCamp! Most gyms will give you the option to buy online, so it makes this a great and easy last minute gift.  If your friend is new to the sport, make sure you add enough funds so they are also able to rent the gear.  For the friend who has hit "the proverbial brick wall" in advancing, covering the cost for a technique lesson may be advantageous.

BaseCamp always offers 10% off the gift shop, so if you're looking to hook up a homie and save some money, shop us first!  We have a decent selection of your favorite local guide books, BaseCamp swag and skin care.  If you're not finding what you need - our stellar desk staff can give you recommendations on the best local shops to check out as well.

If you have any other great gift ideas for climbers, we'd love to hear them! Share what you're getting for your climber friends on our Facebook Page!

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